Giving Away Ebooks To Make Affiliate Sales

Giving Away Ebooks To Make Affiliate Sales

Blog Article

Many people dream they could simply give things away for a living. Few know though that making this dream a reality is not very difficult to do. In fact anybody can start out doing this will no investment what so ever. Many people over look the power of giving away brandable books to make affiliate sales and drive traffic to their site. Others utilize it to make themselves a living.

The first and most exciting part of starting your own business of giving away brandable books is actually finding the books. A fairly easy way to start is by 레플리카 doing a search for brandable books. Although you may find tons of books this way you should always keep an eye out for them. They can be found all around and you should jump on every opportunity to find new ones.

What makes brandable books so special is the fact that you can alter them slightly. Certain fields in brandable books can be changed to promote your affiliate links or your web site. These books usually spread virally and by giving away a single copy it can reach thousands of readers.

Most brandable books will come with a branding program. The most popular of which is PDF Brand. Branding books is fairly easy. Simply have the branding program open the book you are working on. It should now give you certain fields that you have to change. These fields may be your affiliate link for a certain product or even your site name and web site address.

Make sure you brand your products as soon as possible and place all your branded programs in a different location then the original unbranded version.

The next thing you will need to do is get a web site host. This can be any paid host like Dream Host or even a free one if you are strapped for cash. If you have to go with a free one try to find one that does not put advertisements on your pages. This can distract your visitors and lead them away from your site.

Now go and upload all of the products you branded to your host. You will want to put them in a easy to find directory to keep this as simple as possible.

Once you have uploaded the products to your host it is time to start putting together your site. This can be a very simple page that lists the diff rent products you have for download with a short description and a link to download the product. If possible try and find a picture for each product and use it as well.

If you can do something fancier it is recommended. If not your simple page should start you out just fine. People visiting your site should not mind to much as long as it is functional.

Now that your site is all setup and functional you are ready to drive a little traffic to it. You will not have to do this for very long though. Once your branded ebooks get circulating around people will see your sites link in them and stop on by to check you out. Brandable books can also have a viral effect on your traffic as well.

One of the easiest ways to promote your site for free is on forums. The best place to try to promote your site is on marketing forums. These people are always looking for free products to use as bonuses or give to their lists.

Advertising on forums can be done by quite simply by adding a link to your site in your forum signature. Now simply start making productive and informative posts. This will get your signature seen allot as well as build your reputation.

Another good way to advertise your site for free is on Craigs List. Advertising on Craigs List can get you quite a few visitors as long as you post in the right place. You can also rerun your ad every week to keep the traffic coming.

The most powerful form of advertising you will be doing though is branding the books themselves. Many brandable books will have a spot for you to put your sites name and site address. If your site name has to do with free ebooks you should have no problems getting people to visit.

You should now know more than most people about giving away products to make money. This can be a very profitable and fun experience. Just remember to keep your eyes out for new products to add to your site. As long as you keep adding new products you should not have any problems getting some good traffic and a mail box full of checks.

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